Hammons A, Fiese B, Koester B, Garcia G, Parker Loran, Teegarden D. (2019) Interdisciplinary web-based video series is effective at increasing knowledge and research related abilities in undergraduates. Hammons A, Fiese B, Koester B, Garcia G, Parker Loran, Teegarden D. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. Accepted.
Fiese B, Hammons A, Koester B, Garcia G, Parker LC , Teegarden D (2019) Transdisciplinary Obesity Prevention Research Sciences (TOPRS) Curriculum Increases Knowledge about Complex Causes and Consequences of Obesity for Undergraduate Students; Frontiers in Public Health 7:Article 232.
Larrick B*, Kim K-H, Donkin SD, Teegarden D. (2018) 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D regulates lipid metabolism and glucose utilization in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Nutr Res 58:72-83. PMID: 30340817
Shinde A, Wilmanski T*, Chen H, Teegarden D, Wendt M. (2018) Pyruvate carboxylase supports the pulmonary tropism of metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res. 13;20(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s13058-018-1008-9. PMID: 30005601
Chae, H*, Wilmanski T*, Teegarden D. (2018) The Role of Vitamin D in Breast Cancer: Investigating Potential Inhibition Through Matrix Metalloproteinase 2. Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research.
T*, Zhou X*, Zheng W*, Shinde A, Donkin SS, Wendt M, Burgess JR, Teegarden D. (2017) Inhibition of pyruvate carboxylase by 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D promotes oxidative stress in early breast cancer progression. Cancer Lett. 2017 Oct 9;411:171-181. PMID: 29024812.
Wilmanski T*, Buhman K, Donkin SS, Burgess JR, Teegarden D. (2016) 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D inhibits de novo fatty acid synthesis and lipid accumulation in metastatic breast cancer cells through down-regulation of pyruvate carboxylase. J Nutr Biochem 40:194-200.
Wilmanski T*, Barnard A*, Parikh MR, Kirshner J, Buhman K, Burgess J, Teegarden D. (2016) 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D Inhibits the Metastatic Capability of MCF10CA1a and MDA-MB-231 Cells in an In Vitro Model of Breast to Bone Metastasis. Nutr Cancer. 68(7):1202-9. PMID: 27552186
Zhou X*, Zheng W*, Nagana Gowda GA, Raftery D, Donkin SS, Bequette B, Teegarden D. (2016) J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D inhibits glutamine metabolism in Harvey-ras transformed MCF10A human breast epithelial cell. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 163:147-56. PMID: 27154413
Arentson-Lantz EJ, Zou M, Teegarden D, Buhman KK, Donkin SS. (2016) Maternal high fructose and low-protein consumption during pregnancy and lactation share some but not all effects on early-life growth and metabolic programming of rat offspring. Nutr Res. 32(8):588-98. PMID: 22935342
Lubecka K, Kurzava L, Flower K, Buvala H, Zhang H, Teegarden D, Camarillo I, Suderman M, Kuang S, Andrisani O, Flanagan JM, Stefanska B. (2016) Stilbenoids, resveratrol and pterostilbene, remodel the DNA methylation patterns in breast cancer cells and epigenetically silence oncogenic NOTCH signaling. Carcinogenesis 37(7):656-68. PMID: 27207652
Zheng W*, Tayyari F, Gowda GA, Raftery D, McLamore ES, Porterfield DM, Donkin SS, Bequette B, . (2015) PMID: 24000146
Ignacio C, Clah L, Zheng W*, Zhou X*, Larrick* B, Blaize N, Breslin E, Patel N, Johnson D, , Donkin SS, GavinTP, Newcomer S (2014) Maternal exercise during pregnancy reduces risk of mammary tumorigenesis in rat offspring, Eur J Cancer Prev Nov;23(6):502-5. PMID: 24950432.
Weaver CM, Teegarden D, Welch A, Hwalla N, Lelièvre S. (2014) International breast cancer and nutrition: a model for research, training and policy in diet, epigenetics, and chronic disease prevention. Adv Nutr. Sep;5(5):566-7. PMID: 25469398.
Adedokun O, Parker LC, Childress A, Burgess W, Adams R, Agnew CR, Leary J, Knapp D, Shields D, Lelievre S, Teegarden D. (2014) Effect of time on perceived gains from an undergraduate research program. CBE Life Sci Educ. 13(1):139-148. PMID: 24591512.
Zheng W*, Tayyari F, Gowda GA, Raftery D, McLamore ES, Shi J, Porterfield M, Donkin SS, Bequette B, Teegarden D. (2013) 1, 25 Dihydroxyvitamin D Regulation of Glucose Metabolism in Harvey-ras Transformed MCF10A Human Breast Epithelial Cells. J Ster Biochem Mol Biol 138:81-89. PMID: 23619337.
Carrillo AE*, Flynn MG, Pinkston C*, Markofski MM, Jiang Y*, Donkin SS, and Teegarden D. (2013) Impact of vitamin D supplementation during a resistance training intervention on body composition, muscle function, and glucose tolerance in overweight and obese adults. Clin Nutr, 32(3):375-381. PMID: 23034474.
Zou M, Arentson EJ, Teegarden D, Koser SL, Onyskow L, and Donkin SS. (2012) Fructose consumption during pregnancy and lactation induces fatty liver and glucose intolerance in rats. Nutrition Research 32(8):588-598. PMID: 22935342.
Teegarden D, Romieu I, Lelièvre SA. (2012) Redefining the impact of nutrition on breast cancer incidence: Is epigenetics involved? Nutr Res Rev 25(1):68-95. PMID: 22853843.
Carrillo AE*, Flynn MG, Pinkston C*, Markofski MM, Jiang Y*, Donkin SS, and Teegarden D. (2011) Vitamin D supplementation during exercise training does not alter inflammatory biomarkers in overweight and obese subjects. Eur J App Phys 112(8):3045-3052. PMID: 22183086.
Smilowitz JT, Wiest MM, Teegarden D, Zemel MB, German JB, Van Loan MD (2011) Dietary fat and not calcium supplementation or dairy product consumption is associated with changes in anthropometrics during a randomized, placebo-controlled energy-restriction trial. Nutr Metab 8:67. PMID:21970320.
Weaver CM, Campbell WW, Teegarden D, Craig BA, Martin BR, Singh R, Braun MM, Apolzan JW, Hannon TS, Schoeller DA, DiMeglio DA, Hickey Y, and Peacock M. (2011) Calcium, dairy products, and energy balance in overweight adolescents: A controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr 94(5):1163-70. PMID: 21918216.
Teegarden D, Ji-Yeon Lee J-Y, Adedokun L, Childress A, Parker LC, Burgess W, Nagel JR, Knapp DW, Lelievre S, Agnew CR, Shields C, Leary J, Adams R, Jensen JD (2011) Cancer Prevention Interdisciplinary Education Program at Purdue University:Overview and Preliminary Results. J Cancer Educ 26(4):626-632. PMID: 21533583.
McLamore ES, Shi J, Jaroch D, Claussen J, Uchida A, Jiang Y*, Zhang W, Donkin SS, Banks MK, Buhman KK, Teegarden D, Rickus JL, and Porterfield DM. (2011) A self referencing platinum nanoparticle decorated enzyme-based microbiosensor for real time measurement of physiological glucose transport. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26(5):2237-2245. PMID: 20965716.
Jiang Y*, Zheng W*, Teegarden D (2010) 1α, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in untransformed and Harvey-ras transfected breast epithelial cells. Cancer Lett. 298(2):159-166. PMID: 20655141.
Zemel MB, Teegarden D, Van Loan M, Schoeller D, Matkovic V, Lyle RM and Craig BA (2009) Dairy-rich diets augment fat loss on an energy-restricted diet: a multicenter trial. Nutrients, Special Issue Featured Papers, Nutrients 1(1), 83-100; doi:10.3390/nu1010083. PMID: 22253969.
Li J*, Fleet JC and Teegarden D (2009) Activation of rapid signaling pathways does not contribute to 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced growth inhibition of mouse prostate epithelial cells. J Cell Biochem, 107(5):1031-1036. PMID: 1942419.
Chang E*, Donkin SS, and Teegarden D (2009) Parathyroid hormone suppresses insulin signaling in adipocytes. Mol Cell Endocrinol 307(1-2):77-82. PMID: 19524129.
Singh R., Martin BR, Hickey Y, Teegarden D, Campbell WW, Craig BA, Schoeller DA, Weaver CM. (2009) Comparison of self-reported, measured, metabolizable energy intake with total energy expenditure in overweight teens. Am J Clin Nutr, 89(6):1744-1750. PMID: 19386746.
Smilowitz JT, Wiest MM, Watkins SM, Teegarden D, Zemel MB, German JB, Van Loan MD. (2009) Lipid metabolism predicts changes in body composition during energy restriction in overweight humans. J Nutr 139(2):222-229. PMID: 19106317.
Taber L*, Adams LS*, Teegarden D. (2009) Mechanisms of nuclear vitamin D receptor resistance Harvey-ras transfected cells. J Nutr Biochem 20(8):629-637. PMID: 188292.
Teegarden D and Donkin SS. (2009) Vitamin D: Emerging New Roles in Insulin Sensitivity (Invited Review), Nutr Res Rev. 22(1):82-92. PMID: 19555519.
Teegarden D and Gunther CW*. (2008) Can the controversial relationship between dietary calcium and body weight be mechanistically explained by alterations in appetite and food intake? Nutr Rev 66(10):601-605. PMID: 18826456.
Li J*, Byrne ME*, Chang E*, Jiang Y*, Donkin SS, Buhman KK, Burgess JR and Teegarden D. (2008) 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D hydroxylase in adipocytes, J Steroid Biochem 112(1-3):122-126. PMID: 18840526.
Siddiqui SMK*, Chang E*, Li J*, Burlage C*, Zou M, Buhman KK, Koser S, Donkin SS and Teegarden D. (2008) Dietary intervention with vitamin D, calcium and whey protein reduced fat mass and increased lean mass in rats. Nutrition Res 28(11):783-790. PMID: 19083488.
Teegarden D, White K*, Lyle RM, Zemel MB, Van Loan M, Matkovic V, Craig B, Schoeller D. (2008) Calcium and dairy product modulation of lipid utilization and energy expenditure. Obesity 16(7):1566-1572. PMID: 18421269.
Novotny R, Going S, Teegarden D, Van Loan M, McCabe G, McCabe L, Daida YG and the ACT Research Team. (2007) Hispanic and Asian pubertal girls have higher android/gynoid fat ratio than white. Obesity 15(6):1565-1570. PMID: 17557994.
Eagan MS, Lyle RM, Gunther CW*, Peacock M, Teegarden D. (2006) Effect of 1-year dairy product intervention on fat mass in young women: 6-month follow-up. Obesity 14(12):2242-8. PMID: 17189552.
White KM*, Lyle RM, Flynn MG, Teegarden D, Donkin SS. (2006) The acute effects of dairy calcium intake on fat metabolism during exercise and endurance exercise performance. Intl J Sports Med, 16(6): 565-579. PMID: 17342879.
Teegarden D, Legowski PA*, Gunther CW*, McCabe GP, Peacock MD, Lyle RM. (2005) Dietary calcium intake protects women consuming oral contraceptives from spine and hip bone loss. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90(9):5127-5133. PMID: 15998785.
Gunther CW*, Lyle RM, Legowski PA*, James JM*, McCabe GP, Teegarden D. (2005) Fat oxidation and its relation to serum parathyroid hormone in young women enrolled in a 1-y dairy calcium intervention. Am J Clin Nutr 82(6):1228-1234. PMID: 16332655.
Gunther CW*, Legowski PA*, Lyle RM, Weaver CM, McCabe LD, McCabe GP, Peacock M, Lyle RM, Weaver CM, and Teegarden D. (2006) Parathyroid hormone is associated with decreased fat mass in young healthy women. Int J Obesity 30(1):94-99. PMID: 16158089.
Teegarden D. (2005) Increased intake of dairy products has been implicated in reducing body weight and fat mass in humans and in animal models. Nutrition Today 40(4):168-170.
Eagan, MS, Lyle RM, McCabe GP, Teegarden D. (2005) A New Self-Reported Comprehensive Historical Activity Questionnaire for Young Women. J Phys Act Health 2(1):35.
Gunther CW*, Legowski PA*, Lyle RM, McCabe GP, Eagan MS, Peacock M, and Teegarden D. (2005) Dairy products do not lead to alterations in body weight or fat mass in young women in a 1-y intervention. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 81(4):751-6. PMID: 15817848.
Teegarden, D. (2005) The influence of dairy product consumption on body composition. J Nutr 135(12):2749-52. PMID: 16317115.
Zafar T, Teegarden D, Ashendel C, Dunn M and Weaver CM. (2004) Effect of aluminum on calcium metabolism and bone strength. Nutrition Research March 3: 243-259.
Levine MJ* and Teegarden D. (2004) 1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol increases the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in C3H10T½ mouse embryo fibroblasts. J Nutr. 134(9):2244-50. PMID: 15333711.
Adams LS* and Teegarden D. (2004) 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol inhibits apoptosis in C3H10T½ murine fibroblast cells through activation of nuclear factor k B. J. Nutr.134(11):2948-52. PMID:15514257.
Teegarden D. (2003) Calcium intake and reduction in weight or fat mass. Review J. Nutr. 2003 133(1):249S-251S. PMID: 12514302.
Castillo SS* and Teegarden D. (2003) Sphingosine-1-phosphate inhibition of apoptosis requires mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 in mouse fibroblast C3H10T ½ cells. J Nutr 133(11):3343-3349. PMID: 14608042.
Lin Y-C*, Lyle RM, Weaver CM, McCabe LD, McCabe GP, Johnston CC and Teegarden D. (2003) Peak spine and femoral neck bone mass in young women. Bone 32(5):546-553. PMID: 12753871.
Stedman LA*, Nickel KP, Castillo SS*, Andrade J, Burgess JR and Teegarden D. (2003) 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D inhibits vitamin E succinate-induced apoptosis in C3H10T1/2 cells but not Harvey ras-transfected cells. Nutr Cancer 45(1):93-100. PMID: 12791509.
Teegarden D and Zemel MB (2003) Dairy Product Components and Weight Regulation: Symposium Overview J. Nutr. 133(1): 243S-244S. PMID: 12514300.
Castillo SS*, Teegarden D. (2001) Ceramide conversion to sphingosine-1-phosphate is essential for survival in C3H10T ½ cells. J Nutr 131(11):2826-30. PMID: 11694603.
Weaver CM, Teegarden D, Lyle RM, McCabe GP, McCabe LD, Proulx WR, Kern M, Sedlock D, Anderson DD, Hillberry BM, Peacock M and Johnston CC. (2001) Impact of exercise on bone health and contraindication of oral contraceptive use in young women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 33(6):873-880. PMID: 11404650.
Burr DB, Yoshikawa T, Teegarden D, Lyle RM, McCabe GP, McCabe LD and Weaver CM. (2000) Exercise and oral contraceptive use suppress the normal age-related increase in bone mass and strength of the femoral neck in women 18-31 years old. Bone 27(6):855-863. PMID: 11113398.
Lin Y-C*, Lyle RM, McCabe LD, McCabe GP, Weaver CM and Teegarden D. (2000) Dairy calcium is related to changes in body composition during a two-year exercise intervention in young women. J Am Coll Nutr 19(6):754-760. PMID: 11194528.
Teegarden D, Nickel KP, Shi L*. (2000) Characterization of 25-hydroxyvitamin D binding protein from intestinal cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 275(3):845-849. PMID: 10973809.
Teegarden D, Lyle RM, Proulx WR, Johnston CC and Weaver CM. (1999) Previous milk consumption is associated with greater bone density in young women. Am J Clin Nutr 69(5):1014-1017. PMID: 10232644.
Teegarden D, Lyle RM, McCabe GP, McCabe LD, Proulx WR, Michon K, Knight AP, Johnston CC and Weaver CM. (1998) Dietary calcium, protein and phosphorus are related to bone mineral density and content in young women. Am J Clin Nutr 68(3):749-754. PMID: 9734757.
Xu X*, Burgess JR and Teegarden D. (1997) Increased prostaglandin H synthase-1 expression and activity level in stably Harvey-ras transfected C3H10T1/2 cells. Cancer Letters 119(1):87-92. PMID: 17557994.
Teegarden D, Meredith SC and Sitrin MD. (1997) Isolation and characterization of a 25-hydroxyvitamin D binding protein from rat enterocyte cytosol. J Nutr Biochem 8(4):195-200.
Teegarden D, Xu X* and Burgess JR. (1996) Transfection of C3H10T1/2 cells with the Harvey-ras oncogene reduces cytosolic phospholipase A2 function.. Cancer Letters 107(1):59-64. PMID: 8913267.
Anderson DD, Hillberry BM, Teegarden D, Proulx WR, Weaver CM and Yoshikawa T. (1996) Biomechanical analysis of an exercise program for the forces and stresses in the hip joint and femoral neck. J Applied Biomech 32(12):292-312.
Teegarden D, Proulx WR, Kern M, Sedlock D, Weaver CM, Johnston CC and Lyle RM. (1996) Previous physical activity relates to bone mineral measures in young women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 28(1):105-113. PMID: 8775362.
Weaver CM, Heaney RP, Teegarden D, Hinders SM. (1996) Wheat bran abolishes the inverse relationship between calcium load size and absorption fraction in women J Nutr 126(1):303-307. PMID: 8558315.
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Teegarden D, Taparowsky EJ, Kent C. (1990) Altered phosphatidylcholine metabolism in C3H10T1/2 cells transfected with the Harvey-ras oncogene. J Biol Chem 265(11):6042-6047. PMID: 2156839.
Toback FG, Teegarden DE and Havener LJ. (1979) Amino acid-mediated stimulation of renal phospholipid biosynthesis after acute tubular necrosis. Kidney Intl 15(5):542-547. PMID: 480786.

Larrick B*, Donkin SS, and Teegarden D. Vitamin D and Insulin Sensitivity. In: Handbook of Vitamin D in Human Health: Prevention, Treatment, and Toxicity, Watson, R. (editors). Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2013.
Zheng W* and Teegarden D, Vitamin D. In: Handbook of Vitamins, Fifth Edition, Zempleni J, Suttie J, Gregory J and Stover P editors. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.
Teegarden D. Dietary Calcium and Obesity. In: Calcium in Human Health. Weaver C.M., and Heaney R.P., eds. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, 2006, pp. 327-339.
Teegarden D, Dietary Calcium and the Metabolic Syndrome. In: Calcium in Human Health. Weaver C.M., and Heaney R.P., eds. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, 2006, pp. 401-409
Teegarden D and Gunther C*. Minerals and Food Intake: A Human Perspective. In: Appetite and Food Intake: Behavioral and Physiological Considerations. Harris R. and Mattes R., eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group); 2008. p. 337-350.